UFC, one of the most enjoyable martial sports in the world, is actually loved so much because it has many different martial arts and art traces and can present them to both the audience and the fighters. Of course, a sport that is so enjoyable to watch, EA Sports came up with the UFC series because it would be a pleasure to play. UFC, which is one of my favorite two fighting series in the game world, is far from the simplicity of the classic fighting games and it is a delightful actor with its visually realistic line.
First, let me state that the controls of the game offer small changes compared to the previous ones. For example, to prevent attacks on our face, we take the guard with the R2 key, and the guard against the body is L2 + R2. While playing the game, it is useful to carefully examine the phrases that the game displays on the screen in order to teach you. Even if you have played the UFC 2 for a long time, you can review the innovations and new control mechanics in these sections.

Of course, the subject is UFC, the most important aspect of the game is the feeling of strokes. The UFC 3, which is also used in other games of EA Sports and which makes animations much more natural, has taken its place in the UFC 3. The reactions you give your opponent with the punches give you a truly satiated feeling. We usually get the feeling we’re waiting for in UFC 3, where we play with the punch and turn it into a box game.
Speaking of animations, more than 2,000 additions are made to the game’s animation system. Compared to UFC 2, you see similar animations or fall much less rare. This is a factor that removes the monotony of the game when you play continuously. However, there is no error in animations. In rare instances, there may be glaring situations, such as characters gathering at the speed of light, when characters are intermingled. But as I said, these are very rare situations.
I can say the same difficulty with previous games (I’m telling you as a bad UFC player). Even when we dropped the UFC 3, EA Sports added an easy mode to the game, but I still haven’t been able to fully decode the logic of the event. I’m even waiting for your help in the comments section. EA Sports needs to add a very detailed tutorial a training part for the UFC 3. Because UFC 3 has a really deep strategy.
In career mode, innovations are remarkable at first glance. First of all the game offers you a great goal, a goal. This goal is to be the G.O.A.T. of the UFC. That is, being the most loved, followed, recognized and successful athlete; G.O.A.T. To achieve the level, the game asks you to achieve certain achievements. For example, winning 21 UFC fights, getting 5 million social followers, or finishing a certain number of matches with KO. When you’ve accomplished all of this, you’re actually getting the biggest career success of UFC 3.
I just want to open up the social media thing I just mentioned. In UFC 3 you have fans who follow your career successes and make comments to you. As the Journey mode of FIFA 18 won no strangers in this system, you gain followers as you win the match or make comments to your opponents. When you have a high number of followers, more people are following your matches and you can earn higher wages. Yeah, we’re earning money on UFC 3. We spend the money for membership to certain clubs to practice pre-match training. Famous fighters can be found in these fighting clubs. We can train them with new skills and increase our strength. But I still expected other opportunities to spend the money. Perhaps things such as cosmetic clothes appearing in combat could allow money to create a more meaningful spending space.
After putting the career mode aside, I would like to briefly mention the Ultimate Team. Similar to the old games, we have put 4 fighters from different sportswomen in the Ultimate team mode. With every money you earn, you can open new packages and win new features. You can also play Ultimate Team mode offline.
In the visual sense, UFC 3 doesn’t create wonders compared to the previous game, but it has been improved with fine touches. Even the graphics of the second game is more than enough for the time being, with the changes made in the animations and the feeling of a more satiated and high quality UFC 3 was enough to meet our expectations visually.
Long story short UFC 3; if you had fun in the first two games, you can be sure that you will meet your expectations in the third game. Although the new game has not made a big step in the series, it has been a pleasant game with improvements and improvements. If you have played UFC 2 for hundreds of hours, you can definitely buy the UFC 3.