It is not wrong to say that the productions that we have seen in the game world for more than 20 years have become seriously cinematic. Starting with the Call of Duty series, this movement continues to manifest itself in almost every game today. Games are now pushing us to question, not just as entertaining, but as stories, narratives, and even philosophies. Quantic Dream is one of the most important developers in the story. Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, the studio proving their success, carrying the flag to present the storytelling and options to the player. However, even if it is successful in the past games, it would not be wrong to state that the production of their best potential is Detroit: Become Human. You ask why? Let’s try to answer.
First of all, I will not give you any spoilers that will spoil the excitement of the game in the review, you can read the entire article with peace of mind. Although it is difficult to examine the story of a game that comes to the forefront with almost no story, without spoiling it, the deterioration of surprises in a production like Detroit may have a negative impact on the whole experience. But I would like to briefly tell you the main topic of the story. Detroit: Become Human, in the near future. We are in a period of time when people are now technically advanced, the artificial intelligence touches every area of our lives, even they resemble us, and even it is difficult to distinguish from us.

These artificial intelligence robots in Detroit are called Android with a non-distant expression. Androids are so advanced that they run like slaves in factories, roads, workplaces, houses. The general public sees Android as a machine that works for them. These beings, which are often disgusted and disgusted, succeed in gaining their own consciousness as a result of some developing events. In fact, we can say that they reveal a situation that already exists, rather than gaining their consciousness, and that they pass through the bars in their heads and remain free. After this situation, I can say that we are experiencing events.
Detroit: We’re playing all parts of Become Human from the point of view of Android. We can experience their emancipation efforts, their struggle to overcome the bars in their heads, their choices one-to-one. But even though we know that we control Androids throughout the game, you can empathize with these robots during the time we spend. But here is an interesting situation. I’m going to try to explain it even though it’s hard to put in sentences.
In games that we control a person in, we usually put ourselves in that character’s position and think about what I would do. So we consider the character we play as the first person in our imagination. Detroit: There was a strange situation when you play Become Human. While you make yourself an important choice for the characters, even if you are the one who controls the character, you can’t say what I would do; you feel what I would like for them. The important point here is that you can’t even make a robot stand in a game, and if tomorrow this technology becomes a reality, we feel we can face a similar situation. However, I cannot say that this situation is negative. Because even though I couldn’t put us in their place, I’m sure you’ll have a great fight in making the best choices for their good.
Now, of course, when it comes to a Quantic Dream game, our choices in the game are also important. But does this importance really have different consequences as described in the trailer? Can we really influence the story? Now I have to finish the game more than once so that I can answer this question, but I haven’t had time. But you can see a graph at the end of the section, not only at the end, but also during the process of the story. It is not difficult to guess that different results can create serious differences between these graphs. It would not make sense to think that elections would be ineffective in a production where the main characters could even die. So I don’t think it’s okay to say, yes, your choices can change the course of the game seriously, as well as affect the fate of Androids in the game.
On the voices side, both voiceover and sound effects were enormous. For example, on a staircase with a carpet in the middle, you can hear a different footstep when your foot touches the board and a different footstep while the other is on the carpet. Paying attention to such fine details has contributed significantly to the credibility of the game. The harmony of the music with the scenes is successful; you do not encounter any music scratching your ear. You can be amazed by the harmony of the animations and the scenes completed with mimics. When the tears of the characters slowly flow, you can be sensed at the beginning of your chair. Especially in the sections you play with Kara, many situations await you.
Now, to our last words. Quantic Dream’s new game Detroit: Become Human is it worth playing, buying? First of all, if you have any interest in Artificial Intelligence, you can directly say yes to this question. If you’re far from the subject, but the story-based productions are interested in you, read the entire article and you’ll be interested in the main philosophical issues you’re going to face. We also have a production time of more than 20 hours of gameplay. Except for the first quarter of the game, the paced one makes you wonder: Detroit: Become Human. As long as you don’t raise your expectations too much, I can tell you that you won’t be disappointed. I would strongly recommend that you buy this construction, which will force you with elections, and which is highly playable.