History On November 11, 1916, a young Canadian photographer, Harry left his beloved daughter behind and joined the Western front of World War I. Harry’s goal is to announce the heroic stories of World War I to mankind, and to enter the eyes of the girl he loves. Together with his safety camera, which he loves, he goes on a journey into the front lines of the Western front.
On the other side of the front is another story. On the German side of World War I, the technician included behind the front of the battle is Kurt, the other character we will check in the 11-11 Memories Retold. Wolf behind the front of one of the famous zeppelins in Germany, while working on the construction of his son in the Front gets lost news.

The wolf will do as a father. He will leave the technician and go to the front lines, where the war will be going on fiercely. He will start to find his son in the famous trenches of World War I. But War will bring together two different people, two different stories in a way. 11-11 Memories Retold is a game that attracts attention with its quite different visuality. You can feel as if you are in the game of Van Gogh. The 11-11 Memories Retold, developed by Aardman Animations and Dixart, uses a rather interesting graphical style that resembles an oily paint that I have never seen before.
This visual appearance, which is very well suited to the storytelling of the game, increases the impressive atmosphere and story of the game when it combines with the squares and environments that really look like the picture, and the color tone that strikes the gloomy atmosphere of the 1st World War.
However, from time to time, especially when you play the game for a long time, this graphic structure starts to disturb you. 11-11 Memories In Retold, the characters we control are very simple to use. In addition to these characters, I don’t want to spoil them. However, in terms of Kurt and Harry, there are simple dynamics such as squatting, fast progress, holding and pulling things.
The task structure is to fix some simple puzzles for Kurt, to repair a number of devices, to find and bring things to someone, or to put them on the ground. With Harry, we try to photograph important moments on the battlefield. The photos we took are important. Because, we send nice pictures to the girl we love and try to impress her.
The decisions you make in the game, the elections also affect some of the events and the final of the story.The story progress, you have to make important decisions from time to time. While the first 2 hours of the game progresses in a structure that gives more importance to storytelling at a routine pace, after the first 2 hours, the 11-11 Memories Retold introduces you to other game mechanics. I am surprised to meet with a different mechanic after 2 hours.
At the intersection of two characters’ stories, you are able to solve some puzzles and move between characters to help you find your way. Wars have pushed people into many necessities. 11-11 Memories Retold has a story and atmosphere that reflects this feeling of despair very well, but the two characters have different perspectives, but their survival impulses dominate everything.
There are of course the risks of choosing this interesting graphic structure, but the producer has succeeded in attracting the player into the generated atmosphere thanks to its successful voice and volume mix. 11-11 Memories Retold is not a big game. From time to time, you can feel the technical flaws from FPS and the weakness of the character animations.
But if you’re the player who cares about storytelling, if you are interested in the stories about the historical events, I would like to recommend the 11-11 Memories Retold. Valiant Hearts: Another game that successfully conveys the 1st World theme after The Great War. 11-11 Memories Retold. I hope that in the future we will come across a production of our own, which will transfer this war from our point of view. The gameplay mechanics and puzzles are not very deep, but with their atmosphere, narrative style, the story is an interesting game with 11-11 Memories Retold.